The temperature has dropped. The sky is grey. The wind blows.
And a corner of my bedroom rays of sunshine are coming through...
warming my spirit...making me smile.
Sunshine from Spain. It filters through my computer screen every once in a while
when my daughter, Mayra, sends me photographs of her and the kids...
My Mayra is like the sun. See how she shines?
Oh, look at how the camera has captured the rays!
A walk in Aranjuez makes you feel warm any time of the year...
Parks...peacocks.... ponds. Perfect for children to run and explore.
A little ray of sun, called Gabriel, has escaped ...
with a water bottle.
Big ray Alberto with dad. What a beautiful photo.
And this one...made me laugh!
Can you tell me what is wrong here?
And Mayra looking to the heavens..
asking if she will ever be able to get her rays under control ...
Thank you Mayra for all the sunshine you bring into my life....
I love you!