going on! WHO could possibly be reading my blog there? Could it be
a young, yodeling, Swiss man? Or..maybe a pretty, cheese making,
Alpine maid like the one below? I went to bed last night wondering...
In the morning the answer to the mystery was in an email...I squinted my eyes,
and read, From: Merce Hernandez. "YO SOY LA SUIZA", which means...Merce
Hernandez, I AM THE SWISS WOMAN. What? She's Spanish? I quickly clicked on
the email...this was so exciting!!
As I read her email, I had a big smile on my face. Merce, a young Spanish woman,
from Barcelona, now living in Switzerland, said she was surprised when I mentioned
her in my blog, but couldn't find the way to leave a comment! I can relate to that...
when I started blogging, leaving comments was sometimes a nerve wrecking
To my surprise, she tells of how she found my blog, by searching on the web
for some of my well known relatives...Relax, the Aragon family is not know for mass
murders...only for being in show business, and having a great sense of humor!
Merce, tells me she had a crush on my cousin, Alfonso "Fofito" Aragon, when
she was a child!I thought this was so cute. Fofito, by the way is one of the cousins I get
along with best, in September when I visited Spain, we had a great evening
together at his house! His wife is like a sister to me, and I adore his daughters.
Take a look at his family in my post: IN SPAIN. DAY 12. MY FAMILY!!!
Merce, would you like an autographed CD from my cousin for your son?
I am delighted you found me!! I look forward to keeping in touch through
my blog...and, I hope to read your comments here soon!