Week 33 started on a Thursday. Not just any Thursday, mind you. It
was the Thursday after my arrival in Atlanta. I sat in the living room
with a cup of coffee in my hand. My body here. My mind in Spain. Now,
it was all about waiting. Waiting for February, so I could see my
husband again. But, I needed to get going...pick up my room,take out
my clothes from the suitcases, see what else had to be done around
the house. Make a list of what I needed to do during this week. Not
that I wanted to do any of that. I was beat, physically from the the
lack of sleep, the 10 hour flight, the two hours and a half of waiting
for Sandra at the airport, the two hour drive home and, emotionally
because I missed my husband already.
Thank God, I decided to take one more vacation day to rest and settle
back in my home... Although, settling in ... was more unsettling
than anything. My daughter Sandra, tried as best as she could to
deal with the house by herself. Except, that...well...when I asked
her about certain things that were supposed to have gotten done...
she forgot, didn't know about it, or simply wasn't going to deal with
that "stuff". I especially liked what she did with some of my plants.
There is no need to water them anymore. Now I have low maintenance
dried arrangements.
On the other hand, my lawn had grown green, tall, and wild. I had
to avoid the windows in order not to stress out. I decided to go
downstairs. The couple that had been renting the "apartment"
had moved out without notice last week and I wanted to check
if it was as bad as Sandra told me over the phone. It was. I wanted
to cry. I looked at the filthy kitchen cabinets, the dirty tile floors, the
nasty carpet in the bedroom. I ran out and locked the door. Forget
that today! I was so glad I had little Alonso to brighten up my day.
Otherwise, I would have locked myself in my bedroom.
As for the rest of the week. On Friday 8th, I went back to work, and
would not have another day off until Thursday 14th. It was nice to
work again,except for the Arctic temperature in my department, and
of course...the pain in my legs from standing up eight hours.
In the evenings I took care of Alonso, whom I enjoyed tremendously
since I had missed him so while I was away. On the other hand....
I certainly did not miss Sandra's procrastinating... For weeks she
knew she needed to get a second suitcase, but she didn't show
up with it until Wednesday evening. Her flight was next day. Our
differences in ways of handling matters, and our nerves lead to a lock
of horns I'd rather forget, but can't right now because I am still hurt.
Thursday morning went by fast. There was some space left in one of
the suitcases, and I filled it up with as many of Mayra's belongings
as I could. (When Mayra moved to Spain she left boxes of dvds, books,
and home decoration with us). Around 2:30 P.M. we left for the airport.
We made it just in time. Sandra and an unsuspecting Alonso, were
about to leave in what I hope is a life changing trip for Sandra. We
moved to Georgia when she was 12 years old, and she has been back
twice before. However, this time she has to make up her mind
if she wants to stay in the U.S. when I leave...or move back with us.
Now, it was time hug, kiss, and wish them a great flight...
I am hoping to clean...do laundry...write some recipes...and have
a garage sale next week. We'll see.