DAY 17
A few days ago my cousin, Pili, invited my sisters and I, plus our husbands, children,
and grandchildren, to her flat in Madrid next Saturday. Each family's will be bringing
a Cuban dish. I love Cuban food...yum, yum...But, I love even more the idea of
spending some time with my cousin, who is very special to me. I am very excited also,
to get to know her daughter Vir, whom I haven't seen since she was a child, her family,
and to see again my dear Uncle Emilio and Aunt Rita!
I was assinged "Picadillo". A very flavorful, ground beef stew. Cary, brings
white rice, Maribel the black beans, Aunt Rita.... the yuca with mojo, Pili the
avocado salad, plantains, and the guayaba desserts. I can see my plate already!
Later on this afternoon....
Wow, my sister, Maribel, today has been diagnosed with bronchitis. My sister,
Cary, is also with a bad cold...(she is convinced that Maribel passed her "germs"
on to her, during last Saturday's get together). So far I am safe. That's a first
for me, because I have ALWAYS come down with colds during my trips to Spain.
So....there has been some changes. Let me tell you...Maribel was bringing
the black beans. Right? Notice I said WAS. Due to being so sick, the black beans
were re-assigned to Cary, along with the white rice that goes with it. But, Cary
has called me just know, and....sounds terrible from her cold! I mean real sick, and
it is Thursday. That means the beans would have to left soaking tonight in order
to cook them tomorrow, Friday. I felt terrible, and didn't want her to have to drive
all the way to Maribel's....when you have a cold, it takes away your will to do
Result of the conversation: I said, " Relax, and stop worrying about the beans! I
will swing by Maribel's and pick them up. O.K." Cary thanked me as she coughed and
blew her nose....
Next thing my husband heard was, " Honey...we have to go to Alcorcon, and
pick up a bag of black beans". He asked why not buy some in the super market
2 blocks away. I said, "Because, these black beans are special to my cousin
Pili...she brought them from Miami, and they are supposed to be the best.
AND, because if it makes her happy....that's what we will do".
I picked up my purse....and we went out the door. On our way we stopped
at McDonald's to eat, since I didn't want Maribel cooking for us, feeling
the way she was.
Picking up those beans gave me a great excuse to spend a little more time
with Maribel and her boyfriend, Juanca. As always the conversations were
fun and we laughed a much as a matter of fact, I remembered the
to ask for the black beans as we were about to open the elevator door!
There was silence at Mayra's home when Pepe opened the door. Everyone was
sleeping. I tip toed to the kitchen.....looked for a bowl....poured the black beans
in it....rinsed them well under water...I poured enough water to let them soak
and double their size during the night...and, set the bowl on the kitchen counter.
As I turned off the kitchen light ....I said, " Good night my little black beans. I will
cook you tomorrow, and you will be delicious..."