DAY 16
Back in Ciempozuelos....
AHhhhhhhhhhhggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!! As Sylvester Stallone once said,
in Rambo, "I can't feel my legs". How much did we walk in the past 3 days?
Who knows! All I know is it was wonderful.....magical....and, would do it all over
Yesterday alone, we went from Santa Colomba de Somoza, to Rabanal. In
Rabanal, we had coffee with his family at the pilgrim's rest stop, and chatted.
Oh, I met the nicest young man from Australia, who had finished his Pilgrim
walk to Santiago and was going back home. I could see myself running a business
like this. After all...with my English I could talk to most tourist, and I could run
the restaurant....because I can cook too! This would be a nice way of living....
While we had coffee with Pepe's cousins, we were given the keys to Pepe's
grandmother's house, and was that an adventure! The century old house has
been closed for years...and it's falling apart. No electricity, so the light through
the cracked wood windows, and Pepe's lighter were our guide! Afterward, the walk
to the river, and wonderful lunch with Pepe's cousin and uncles.
After lunch, we took off to Astorga, once more...what's another 20 Km? I bought
souvenirs and bars of their famous chocolate. Do you know that centuries ago,
when Spain conquered Mexico, Spaniards, brought cocoa from Mexico, to Spain?
The Aztec's most precious drink, became so popular in Spain, that later on in time
in Astorga, the first factory was created to make chocolate bars? Amazing, ha?
After buying our souvenirs, we went back home, arriving just in time for dinner
with Mayra and Raul. We talked, and shared our experiences, then...we crawled
to bed!
So, today...I have been trying to take it easy, even though, I have had to keep
walking...stiff as a pole... around town with Mayra. How can I just stay home while
she's out and about town doing groceries, picking up the kids, etc. Oh, one of
our stops was to see Raul's grandmother, whom I love, and lives in town! What
a nice visit we had!
After, picking up the kids from school, and day care.... I couldn't move anymore.
Pepe got home from work around 6 P.M and we just stayed home!