Only 5 days to go, and I feel like an AIRPLANE has run over me. Once
again, at 4:40 A.M., that sneaky, miserable, hateful, nasty, S.O.B.,
Mr. Migraine showed up with his hammer to make my life HELL. He is
getting stronger. He has found a way to defeat Relpax, and hang
around for hours, and hours, when before he would quickly retreat after
taking the medication. Eleven years I have been dealing with this guy...
What a nuisance!!! Mr. Migraine, why don't you go fly a kite instead of
visiting me so often?
At 5:40, I took the second pill, as recommended on the package, and
hoped this one would work. If not I would be doomed, just like yesterday.
Only two allowed per day. At 6:30 A.M., it was as if I had had a glass of
water. NOTHING. AND, to make things worse, nausea was setting
in....making me think of the times I have had to be taken to the hospital
and be knocked out! I thought, S**T, S**T, S**T!!! I don't want to go...
I don't want to call in sick. My boss is very understanding, but still...
it's such a hassle to find someone to open my department...it's so
embarrassing to call in always with the same excuse.
I had to do something. If the Relpax was not working, how about
maybe freezing the pain away? I got up...got a zip lock bag, and
filled it with ice cubes.Once in bed, I put that bag right on the painful
spot and somehow managed to fall asleep.
It worked.
Now, I am going to work. My plans for today????