Four days to go! The day went fast today. So glad it did....I got to talk to Chris who
called me at lunch time. I hope I can see him Sunday. He is turning 28, but not doing
much celebrating because he is studying for his finals. I can't wait until he graduates.
He is always so busy...always dealing with so many things plus working full time. I
get exhausted just listening to him! Somehow, I must see him that day...if not, he
talked about being able to squeeze going to the airport between classes and
work. We will see....All I know is that somehow I WILL see him before I leave.
Is she gorgeous or what!!!
Later that afternoon, it was my turn to pick up Alonso from daycare. I love the way
he throws to the floor whatever he has in his hands, and runs to me as soon as
he hears me calling him! Alonso is always very hungry by the time he is picked up.
Therefore, we always take him a snack for him to munch on in the car. That keeps
him content until dinner time. But, Yaya took him some juice and...forgot his snack!
What a "no-no" thing to!!! I felt horrible. HORRIBLE! To make things worse
I needed to go to the bank on my way home. Bottom line.... with Alonso hungry,
I needed to stop at Burger King, and get him a kid's meal (chicken nuggets)...
But ...he was hungry and upset at me. Worse of all he did not understand I
was going to stop to get him some food!!! How could I have forgotten
his snack on the our foyer's table when I grabbed my keys in a hurry to pick
him up!!! He fussed and cried....
For some reason, he cried even more when he saw Burger King. I guess it was
an "I want it now moment". He cried some more as they handed me the little
brown bag at the drive through...Only when he had a chicken nugget in his hand
did he stop crying. THEN...with my head going cu-cu ...and my heart pounding
from hearing him cry, I headed to Publix, where my bank has a branch.
As I sat him in the buggie, I thought about my friend Barbara Shallue, who
wrote a wonderful story titled, To the Young Mom in Aisle 7, on her blog Long Hollow.
I could relate perfectly to that young mom in her story....I have been there...
sometimes, I feel I am still there...except, I am the "Young Grandma Trying
To Do Her Banking At Publix". I adore my grandson....I do with all my heart, and
my daughter can tell you how much I play with him, and how much fun I have with
him. My grandkids keep me young, but at times...when you can't get them to
understand and there is a tantrum....OH, BOY! My hair turns greyer...my wrinkles
deeper...and the bags underneath my eyes pop out like air bags. WOW....15 minutes
of crying in the car left me a mess! I dragged myself around the store while he
happily stuffed his mouth with fries and chicken nuggets, and smiled with his mouth
full, waiving goobye to people as I pushed him around in the buggie at Publix...
He was an angel the rest of the evening...and had a good dinner later on too! By
nine he was fast asleep. My little angel. I am going to miss him these next few
weeks while I am in Spain. Although,I believe Sandra will be joining us the first
week of October. If so, Pepe and I will have our 3 grandkids together for the
very first time. How awesome!
I wonder what would happen if Pepe and I decided to take them
all to the supermarket!
Oh, I did make some progress with my luggage....and tomorrow the most awaited
photo awards in the history of the Aragon women! "LA COC' QUINA DE ORO".
Seventeen of us in three categories...I want to win!!! I want that trophy!!!
Can't wait to see the party's videos and the photos turned in by all of us!!!
I WILL SHARE the photos...if they
let me ....lol!!!