Ten days to go. Today I feel different. Nervous, perhaps? Probably.
There is a hot pink traveling bag on my bedroom floor awaiting to be
filled with my personal items . The usual I put in it every time I travel;
my wallet, make up, a small mirror, a small hairbrush, my Zoloft, so I
can be "normal", Relpax for migraines (Can't leave home without that!),
gum...lots of gum, breath mints (I don't want the flight attendant
ignoring me), a pen or two, over the counter sleeping pills that only
work on me a couple of hours, but...that's better than nothing, a pair
of sunglasses, my reading glasses, Kleenex, floss, antibacterial wipes,
a book, my prayer book, my rosary, salty snacks, sweet snacks (Hey!
It's an 8 1/2 hour flight!), AND... my passport,which, I will check a
million times to make sure it's there.
Furthermore, a small, red carry-on bag is standing by my bed
unzipped, claiming Alberto's Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, video camera,
a change of clothes just in case my suitcases get lost, and whatever
else I can stuff without it bursting! Tonight, hopefully I will look for
a suitcase. I am not sure of taking a second one yet. What to do,
what to do...I guess suitcases always give me pre-flight nerves!
Or...is it that having a severe UTI (yesterday I went to the Doctor)
is worrying me? Probably.
Well, just as yesterday ...I better get going to work. Bye. I will come
back and share a bit more.