Yes, I cried all the way to the post office. All 7 minutes it takes to get there...I can
shed a lot of tears per minute, you know, and not only THAT, but I can also create an
even larger amount of mad thoughts while crying !
When I got to the tiny Auburn post office, I parked close to the entrance, grabbed
my envelope, the mailing tube, and went in. As I opened the door it went "ding". No one
but one clerk behind the counter, who asked if I needed help without even turning around.
Good, I thought, that way she doesn't see my red eyes. I said "I am just leaving these,
they have postage. thanks". Then quickly turned around, and the door went "ding" again as I
opened it to leave. Once in the car, I sat for a few minutes reflecting on my actions, then
drove home to call Pepe, and apologize for my idiotic reaction.
Unbelievably enough, when I got home, and opened the door, I heard Sandra upstairs say
loudly that my patient husband was still waiting to see me ! I ran upstairs...then
froze... before getting to the laptop, I was so embarrassed, I just stood there. Sandra told
her dad that she didn't know what was going on with me, and maybe he could try again
later. As she got up from the chair and went to the kitchen, I dashed towards the laptop
and got to see him shaking his head and getting up from his chair. I called out to him and
he turned and looked into the camera ....then smiled.
It was a sweet conversation, with him trying to cheer me up ...I told him how great he
really looked and he laughed pointing at his face, showing me his wrinkles and dark
circles, saying I was just looking at him with loving eyes and didn't see them....Then he
told me he loved me anyway I looked. I laughed, because I know that is true....I am well
known for hanging around the house in my ugliest rags....any other man would have ran
away a looooong time ago !!! Come to think of it man did, my ex-husband !!!
As we talked my beautiful Mayra walked into the picture to say hi... Raul started doing his
signature robot dance in the background to make me laugh. My grandson, Alberto, also
came to talk to me... his smile just melted me, he said he wanted to show me something.
He went to his room, then came back with his electric keyboard, and delighted us with
his "music" as Pepe and I chatted. To top it off, baby Gabriel was placed on Pepe's lap.
I just wanted to reach and pinch those chubby cheeks !!! It was heaven... all my worries
about how I looked were gone. I was enjoying the moment to the fullest. Suddenly, the
screen went black....the laptop overheated..... YES IT DID....and that was the end of our
video conference. We finished our conversation over the phone.
Next week we will try again. ...
This time I will be ready.....