If I had to describe this week, it would be the "I need some rest" week. All I
know is that it has been the worst week since Pepe left to Spain... The following
is a summary of what when on in my home.
Saturday; When I came home from work, I went to make coffe and noticed
there wasn't much left in the container and told myself "I MUST remember to
buy some tomorrow". I had my coffe and took care of Alonso until Sandra
came back from work. That night I started feeling anxious...thoughts of IF
I would really be able to travel in June to Spain went through my head. I
really tried to avoid them...but, I was restless and got in bed feeling very
tired and somewhat discourged. I am missing Pepe very, very much....
Needless to say I didn not sleep well.
Sunday; One eye opened and looked around...I asked myself, "do I really
have to get up?" The phone rang and my other eye opened, and got up to
answer the call. As I looked at the caller ID I thought..."hmmmmm...Mayra
is calling early today ! It's only 8 AM...! " While we talked I made coffe and
enjoyed having more time to get dressed later and even play with Alonso
before I left...As I was driving to work, I was listening to one of the two stations
my radio picks up and heard the talk host say " It is 10 'till ELEVEN and .."
I said out loud "WHAT ???? ELEVEN ??? HOW ...IT'S ONLY 10 'TILL TEN"...
"no one called me from work to let me know I am almost an hour late???" ....
When I walked in, Jason, the co-manager laughed ..." Forgot to change the
time for daylight savings Juana ?" I replied..." You know...I had no idea...
my husband was the one that watched the news...the weather channel...AND
set the alarm clock, sorry !!!"
When I got home, no coffe for me !!!! I felt exhausted and thought a nap
would help me. I asked Sandra to wake me up in half an hour and then I
crashed on my bed...An HOUR later Sadra woke me up. It was 8:00 PM.
Sandra, studied. I made dinner. Alonso, had taken a long nap that day
and was no up to sleeping at his regular hour. We had rented a movie,
but decided to watch it the next day. Then, Sandra said she was running
to Wal Mart, and I asked her to buy coffe.
Meantime, I tried going to sleep.....impossible....I was anxious. I was cold
and Pepe wasn't there. He is like a 190 lb hot water bottle....always warm...
Put on a robe...put on some socks. Got up....had some warm milk and
honey. NO, it didn't work... tried putting on a movie so I would not think
about the planned trip in June, I got up and had some yogurt with Cheerios.
I was eyes were closed, but my mind didn't shut down. At 3:30 AM
I got up again, made myself a toasted cream cheese, strawberry preserves
and ham sanwich and ate it ! Finally fell asleep around 4:30 AM.
Monday; I dragged myself to work and said to myself ..." DON'T LEAVE
TODAY WITHOUT BUYING COFFEE". Thank God it was busy and the day
went fast ! It was time to clock out, buy some groceries and head home !
That night I was hoping to sleep, so I didn't even think about taking a nap.
I was ready to sleep and slept !!! UNTIL....2:45 AM, when I heard steps !!!
- "Sandra ? Is that you ? What time is it ?'
-"It's 2:45....can't sleep...I need a new mattress, that one is killing me"
-"Oh for crying out loud....then, come and sleep here !"
Then, I slept ...she slept...until 4:30 AM when the security alarm went off.
No one was breaking in...we have this problem that when it rains it sets
off with beeps and we have to go and re program it !!! I went back to
bed wishing I could get a bat and destroy it...
At 7:40 a phone call wakes me up...The ID caller said "unknown". This time
I wanted to smash the phone in pieces and laugh like a mad woman !!!
Might as well make some coffee....
Monday afternoon, was a disaster....we were showing signs of "Cabin Fever"
We were getting on each other nerves....we were beggining to snap....
We really needed to sit down and see how each of us could have some
time to ourselves and get more organized with the chores ! We planned
going to the Mall on Tuesday.
Tuesday; I had hot chocolate for breakfast and SWORE to buy coffe that day.
It was supposed to be my day off, but I had to make up four hours. When I
got home, I decided to step outside and enjoy some much needed sunshine,
finally a nice day !!! I noticed something strange towards the side of my house.
Trash was trash !!!! Some dog must have dragged bag of trash. I wanted
to die...diapers, orange cartons, potatoe peels and who knows what else...I
stepped inside to get a trash bag and went down to pick the mess up. Being
outside felt so good....the sun felt so good..I was actually glad I was picking up
that mess ...God bless the animal that did it !
We had a nice afternoon at the Mall. First stop....Starbucks !!!!!! Coffee ....
coffeeeeeeeeeee finally !!! It was nice to sit and relax, then we went to
Barnes and Nobles to look at some books for Alonso, which he loved, and
then we just walked around the Mall. I realized then, I had only been out
once in 3 weeks.and that we needed to enjoy life a little more. We made one
more stop before going home....guess what we were finally buying?
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