Just as I woke up the phone rang. It was 7:30 AM here, 1:30 PM in Madrid. It was Pepe
to let me know he was well and at Mayra's house already. I could hear my daughter in the
background asking Alberto to finish the fish sticks he had for lunch. Gabriel, who will be
7 months tomorrow, was babbling and cooing as we asked each other how we were....
How were we really ? All I know is we both have a daughter to be with, and our grandkids
to keep us smiling. He will start working Wednesday with my sister as planned.
I tried getting up from bed, and going to my job. I have been with Ingles Markets 10
years. Video manager.... one of those "it pays the bills" jobs... only thing I like about it is
I deal with movies, and I LOVE movies. However, the migraine was there. However, with
another migraine I called my clerk, Peggy, to open the department for me. I went later on the day..
stayed a few hours and left early...
To get through the day I took a nap. Then Sandra went to work and I took care of Alonso. He
kept me busy, busy. Changing his diapers I wondered how many had I changed in my lifetime.
Hmmm...... three kids of my own.... three grandkids.....I could probably fill my house will all the
diapers I have changed !!!! Then I experimented in the kitchen. It's Friday and we are in Lent,
so I needed to prepare something without meat. Look ed around took what I had in hand and ended
with a crazy dish.... I called it " Enchiladas Deprimidas" or "Depressed Enchiladas". By the way,
food in Spain is very different from Mexican food. I will be posting some of my favorite dishes from
Spain soon.
Sandra just got home and brought the perfect movie.... so uplifting.....2012 !!!!!!