We woke up to a cold and very windy day. As I had my coffee I cried. Just a bit. Then Pepe would cry just a bit. Pepe and I kept as busy as we could finishing packing the suitcase, running to Ingles Market to buy last minute treats for Mayra, Raul and our grandkids and since I had a headache and didn't feel like making anything at home for lunch we went to the Chinese restaurant next to the supermarket and talked about our plans. After stuffing what we bought in the bags, Pepe took a shower and I heard him cry. Then, I cried again. This reminded me of one of my favorite movies, Something's Gotta Give, when Diane Keaton is crying after Jack Nicholson leaves her and so she cries and stops, then cries again, on and off. Well, we ran out tissues, napkins, toilet paper and kitchen towels . . . At the airport I remembered my husband’s words..." I can stay, I can cancel all the plans if you ask me to”, and I felt the urge to say “yes, stay....stay... “Instead I just said “I’ll see you in June as planned, start looking for somewhere nice to live with plenty of trees. OK ? “Then more kisses, more hugs.....more tears as he left to check in. When I checked his flight later on that night he was right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean....I am praying he has a good flight. Advisory: Travel to, from, and through Atlanta, GA. may be impacted due to winter weather. Please check your travel options here.